Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Facts Are Indisputable !

There are wonderful health benefits to be gained from herbs. The value and benefit of herbs on the human body are so well-documented that there is eons of data substantiating their positive effects.

As a company, Isis Herbs & Teas are clearly not inventing herbs, but we are unapologetically on a powerful mission to target more effective use of herbs amongst the wider community. Herbs, once the hallmark of a fringe community, have now become part of the mainstream. In fact they are no longer considered the product of last resort... no longer considered the last desperate hope of a miracle cure when all else has failed. 

Herbs have now reached the happy point of becoming universally accepted as a reliable and effective way to prevent degradation and poor health, and to encourage biological balance.

Unsurprisingly, ancient practices continue to this day, successfully dispensing herbs as a ‘first point of enquiry’, and at times as the only resource available. The ‘Jamu’ in Indonesia have a history of dispensing ‘medical plants’ in the form of spices, barks, leaves, fruits, and flowers with great effect. This history dates back before 1775 AD when a botanist first recorded the practice.

To this end, our research department headed by Teodora Dzhambazova (Ph.D) have specifically concentrated their efforts on understanding the value and synergy of combining herbs to best effect. Research is always ongoing as we strive towards excellence and more comprehensive combinations. We are honouring traditional herbal practices by adding a scientific perspective.

The value of combining
Best explained with the proverbial motor vehicle analogy again, it is pointless spending ever increasing sums of money on small mechanical adjustments to a vehicle that has rust throughout, or a blocked fuel pump. If the vehicle has rust throughout its body, fresh oil will be ineffective no matter how expensive. Sometimes more wide-ranging measures are a necessity for the greater good. The human body is no different. In order to promote successful healing it would seem sensible to combine herbs to condition the blood, or herbs to help kidney function, with herbs to help a particular ailment.
In the same manner that one respects their beautiful car by caring and nurturing the engine, we are now understanding that our complex human bodies also need care and ongoing attention in order to optimize our quality of life.

The Chinese say that for successful healing we must start with the blood so Dong Quai (the female equivalent of Ginseng) becomes an obvious herbal inclusion in most preventative care.

Elderberry – widely considered an excellent anti-viral agent, is another powerful preventative which when combined with selected herbs can have, not just positive health benefits, but an amazing taste sensation.

ISIS Herbs & Teas is as much about flavour as it is about health. Our ongoing research is fiercely driven to capturing sensational taste in addition to the indisputable health benefits of herbs. Making herbs an enjoyable experience by concentrating on taste, as well as the clear health benefits, is undoubtedly for the common good. If sipping flavoursome tea becomes a delight, then the associated healing becomes a side effect of drinking it. What could be more magical  than consuming and savouring beautiful teas whilst contributing to your own well-being.

Herbs to the Householder
It goes without saying that trekking Tibet, or hiking the Amazon rainforests to find rare and exotic herbs, would be a firm disruption to daily life for the average family.  Happily, although our herbs are sourced from the ‘global garden’ (and at times from very obscure environs) we ensure that they are  easily available to the consumer in a variety of clearly labelled combinations.

A word of warning:
Despite herbs as homeopathics being common to most cultures, validated by scientific research at an increasingly phenomenal rate, and having manifested themselves throughout history with glowing reports of success, they need to be treated with respect. Herbs are powerful agents, and as such require dialogue with your doctor if you are combining them with medications of any sort.

The use of preventative herbs for greatest effect, requires the building of a healthy habit of participation. Some herbs work surprisingly fast and others take perseverance and diligence. Nonetheless, you will be rewarded significantly by becoming proactive about your own health.

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