Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Herbs through Time

Thinking today about the relationship between herbs and health.

In our own way through the use of prescribed medication we have long been giving a quiet nod to herbs for health. Drug companies have long understood the need to utilize the historical data of so many who have gone before, in order to produce drugs offered to modern man with the blessing of mainstream doctors.

Roman luminaries waxed lyrical of the healing properties of garlic, fennel, silphium and sage. Egyptian physicians long believed in diet as a form of preventative medicine, and prescribed cassia, sycamore, henna and juniper amongst others. In Indonesia, the Jamu have long prescribed ginger, tumeric, galingale and many other leaves, flowers, barks, fruits and spices. When Otzi the Iceman was found on the Austrian/Italian border he had herbal medicine amongst his personal effects. He had been lying buried by ice for 5,300 years, but we know he used herbs to medicate himself. The Passion Flower, Valerian, and Rosemary have been used in Europe for time immemorial. No matter whether the advice required the herbs be eaten, brewed into tea, steeped into bath water, or carried on the person, their obvious value is significant.

Like those of old, we at Isis are driven to concentrate on prevention. A cup of valerian tea containing all the wonderful additional medicinal herbs required to promote peaceful sleep, cannot be drunk once only with the expectation of a lifetime cure from insomnia. Our mission is to produce teas that are so inviting, so magically enticing, that repetitive drinking will secure in you, the result you require. Your act of consistency, our encouragement of repitition, Isis' precise scientific targetting of specific herbs, all combine to produce for you the nicest, most effective way to help your body recover and fight its way to great health.

It is a team effort!